Monday, February 22, 2010

Multi-grain Hot Cereal from Scratch

It's getting warmer now. I think we've turned the corner from winter into spring. So if I don't post this now, I will forever hold my peace and never get to share how I made my own multi-grain hot cereal that got me through winter.

Frankly, if I were in the U.S. I'd go out and buy me some Bob's Mill 10-grain Hot Cereal. But since that's not going to happen, I decided to gather up the grains I already had in the house and make my own.

Cornmeal, 1 cup.

Oatmeal, 1 cup.

Bulgar, 1 cup.

Millet, 1/2 cup.

Flax seeds, 1/2 cup.

I ground each grain separately in a coffee grinder and then mixed them together until I got this, Julie's five-grain hot cereal!

It's very simple to make. For one serving, put 1/4 cup of the mix into a pan.

then add 1 cup of water.

Put the mixture on high heat and let it come to a rolling boil for about 3 minutes. Take it off the heat and let it sit for about five minutes or so until all the water is absorbed. The mixture will now be porridge-like.

From here you can go many directions. You can add in some pumpkin puree and cinnamon.

Or, as in this case, add some chopped nuts and craisins.

Or with 1/2 cup of frozen fresh raspberries, as I am doing right now.

Which ever way you take it, it'll not only fuel you through your morning routine, but boost your fiber intake for the day.

Yum. So so good. And good for you, to boot!

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