Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Expat Baking Tip #1: Brown Sugar

Here's what I've learned. It's a hell of a lot easier to carry a one-quart bottle of molasses in your suitcase than 16 bags of brown sugar. Not to mention more economical when you consider that your suitcase holds prime real estate. You've just opened up a whole corner of your Samsonite for more goodies to collect while on home leave.

NB: Buy in a plastic container -- it's lighter. And make sure you triple ziploc the molasses. I wouldn't wish a leaky quart of molasses on my worst enemy.

For those of us that live in a place secluded enough to not have brown sugar, here's your answer. All you need is sugar and molasses.

Place one cup of sugar in your processor. Add one tablespoon of molasses. Or, in this case, double the amounts.

Now whiz. [Whizz?]

Brown sugar! Viola!

And for those of you with ready access to a plethora of brown sugars at your local Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, Stop-n-Shop? Go buy a box of brown sugar and then relate to me, in great detail, your experience of shopping in a real grocery store. With pictures, please. It never hurts to live a bit vicariously through others, I've decided.


Anonymous said...

Oh.... I've got that GREAT brown sugar story! ;)

the Provident Woman said...
